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Tag Archives: WWII

Hilarious or Insensitive?

OK, so I have a very serious question for you dearest internet and I’d like you to be honest. So, my apartment is being inspected any time from Tuesday to Friday (they are worse than the cable company) and I need to find a place to stash my cat. ((What kind of apartment charges an extra $50 a month to keep an adorable cat inside?)) Of course to avoid the charge I dropped him off at my parents in the day. Here’s the question: would it be hilarious or insensitive to compare my plight this week to that of those in WWII? As in creating a satire with my cat in the role of Anne Frank and my apartment managers in the role of the Nazi’s.

I know my humor leans towards the insensitive but also the hilarious so which is it people? Hilarious or Insensitive? is the tale of one woman who thinks it would be funny to write a story from the perspective of Anne Frank as her cat hiding from the Nazi’s of the apartment complex because she doesn’t want to pay extra each month but then realizes that not everyone will find it as funny as she does so instead asks the opinion of the internet all the while still sharing her hilarious idea under the guise of a hypothetical.

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